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SAP Digital Compliance Platform

Comprehensive Compliance Solution for eInvoicing, eWay Bill & GST Reporting

GST Reporting

Simple & easy way to record & report your GST related transactions


Authenticate B2B invoices electronically through IRP for further use on GST portal

eWay Bills

Generate Electronic Way bill on NIC portal for movement of goods

GST Compliance Info

Key elements of the new simplified GST reporting & eInvoice for India

Uni-directional upload of outward invoices i.e. all outward supply documents for B2B, B2C, Supply to SEZ, Inward attracting reverse charge & Import of Services

Real time uploads & save to GSTN of GSTANX-1 and GSTANX-2 on reconciled actions (eg: accept, reject) & pending (On hold)) taken on vendor invoices uploaded in GSTANX -1

Adjustments for liability & credit reversal for advances & previously filed returns

Availing of Input tax credit is based on the acceptance of the vendor invoice uploaded in GSTANX-1 by vendor

Tax payers can avail the provisional credit for the invoices not uploaded by their vendor as part of vendor’s GSTANX-1

B2B invoices becomes invalid without having IRN (invoice reference number)

Reconciliation between Invoice, GSTR filing, eInvoice and eWay Bill

Taxpayers with transactions should file a monthly return; Composition dealers and dealers having nil transactions shall file quarterly returns

Uni-directional upload of outward invoices i.e. all outward supply documents for B2B, B2C, Supply to SEZ, Inward attracting reverse charge & Import of Services

GSTN system shall propose both tax liability and input tax credit based on the outward invoices submitted

All B2B invoices should have unique invoice reference number (IRN) generated by central portal on real time basis

Input tax credit can be availed only for a invoice with valid IRN

Key Features

Key Features of SAP Digital Compliance Solution

Avail Input Tax Credit easily

Proposes reconciliation categories and action to be taken for availing the Input Tax Credit

Displays eligible and ineligible input tax credits separately

Links payment to your supplier, after you accept their outward invoice data in GSTN (real-time)

Simplified processing of business transactions

Seamless integration from SAP ERP (ECC and S4/HANA) to GSTN via multiple GSP’s avoiding manual upload and download files to XLS, flat files etc.

Single solution handling payload of 3 disparate systems - IRN, eWay Bill and GST reporting

Better planning for working capital

Enables you to track provisional credit for invoices not yet uploaded by the seller as part of their GST ANX-1

Enables real time upload of outward invoices to the GSTN system, required for GST reporting

Reduced effort & costs

Supplier Outward Invoice data is automatically accepted when it matches with data in your ERP

As automation of both GST outward invoice and eWay Bill is in sync, there is no need to reconcile invoices submitted to NIC Vs Outward supply Invoice data submitted to GSTN.

Links payment to your supplier, after you accept their outward invoice data in GSTN (real-time)

Security & Failover

SAP ASP complies with GSTN Security guidelines and several more stringent security standards

Provides message & transport level encryption between source & ASP as well as ASP to GSP

Automated failover mechanism amongst the SAP certified GSPs enables you to choose multiple GSPs

Other features

Inbuilt validations on Master & transaction data allows error free submission of outward invoices to GSTN

Data cockpit provides live status update for each invoice, drill down to invoice level and acceptance status of outward invoices

eInvoicing Solution

A new system of Invoice registration introduced by GSTN, in which Supplier should submit a B2B invoice to GSTN in real time for generating IRN number. SAP's eInvoice solution for India integrates your ERP seamlessly with the IRN system during invoicing and generates IRN in real time for all B2B invoices.

What is eInvoicing?

A buyer can avail input tax credit only for invoice with a valid IRN number

Suppliers should submit the outward B2B invoice for generation of IRN

Buyer should reconcile his/her invoice with supplier invoice having valid IRN without which his tax liability increases

The same invoice data is used to generate GSTANX-1, Part A of eWay Bill & auto generation of Sales and Purchase Registers (ANX-1 and ANX-2)

Solution Features

Generate required payload from your transaction data

Push this payload to IRN

Get the IRN (Unique number) and related information from IRN

Update your GST invoice with these details in an automated process

Invalidate invoice if no IRN is found

Reconcile IRN & eWay Bill; IRN & GSTANX-1;

eWay Bill Solution

GST regime in India makes it mandatory for registered tax payers to generate an eWay Bill on the NIC portal for their outward supply documents. SAP’s eWay Bill solution for India integrates your ERP seamlessly with the NIC during invoicing.

What is eWay Bill?

An electronically generated document required for moving goods of value more than INR 50000, from one location to another

Generated online on the National Informatics Centre (NIC) portal for inter and intra state transportation of goods

Uniquely identified by a eWay Bill number (EBN)

Includes details such as name of consignor, consignee, point of origin of consignment, consignment destination and route

Available online to the supplier, buyer or recipient and transporter

Solution Features

Generates required payload from your transaction data

Push this payload to NIC portal

Get the eWay Bill number and related information from NIC

Update your GST invoice with these details in an automated process

Our Offering

We have implemented SAP Digital Compliance solution for Large organizations in India and Global companies with presence in India in the past several years. We can help you in being compliant with the latest tax regime on both SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA applications.

What we offer

Help you in buying licenses for SAP Digital Compliance Solution

Advise you to prepare a Digital Compliance Strategy, considering the constantly evolving GST requirements

Implement SAP Digital Compliance Solution for your organization

Train & support your team in using the Compliance solution and ensuring the compliance of your organization

Connect with our Compliance expert, explore the functions & features of SAP Digital Compliance platform and discuss how you can implement it for your organization